{"id":1062682,"date":"2023-10-31T02:12:34","date_gmt":"2023-10-31T07:12:34","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/silentwisher.com\/?p=1062682"},"modified":"2023-10-31T02:12:34","modified_gmt":"2023-10-31T07:12:34","slug":"facebook-tablet-app-hides-clock-other-info-it-should-be-illegal","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/silentwisher.com\/2023\/10\/31\/facebook-tablet-app-hides-clock-other-info-it-should-be-illegal\/","title":{"rendered":"Facebook Tablet App Hides Clock & Other Info & it should be illegal"},"content":{"rendered":"\r\n

The Case for Making It Illegal for the Facebook Tablet App to Hide the Clock and Other Information<\/h1>\r\n



In the era of smartphones and tablets, we often take the small, ubiquitous features like the clock or battery percentage for granted. However, imagine opening an app and suddenly these essentials vanish from your screen. That’s exactly what happens when you use the Facebook app on certain tablets. The disappearance of these key elements is more than just a minor inconvenience; it brings forth ethical and perhaps even legal concerns that need to be addressed.<\/p>\r\n

The Importance of Time and Information<\/h2>\r\n

The clock is not just an accessory on your screen; it\u2019s a tool that keeps us organized and aware. The same can be said about other info like battery percentage and connectivity status. This information helps us plan our time, decide when to wrap up an activity, and when to recharge our devices.<\/p>\r\n

User Experience and Ethical Implications<\/h2>\r\n

Facebook’s primary motive is to keep users engaged for as long as possible. By hiding the clock, the user is less likely to be aware of the time spent on the platform, thereby inadvertently increasing screen time. This not only impacts productivity but could potentially harm physical health due to extended screen exposure.<\/p>\r\n

Psychological Impact<\/h2>\r\n

From a psychological standpoint, not being able to see the time can induce a “casino effect” where timelessness is used as a technique to keep people engaged longer than they may intend. This strategy is often utilized in environments like casinos to make patrons lose track of time.<\/p>\r\n

Legal Concerns<\/h2>\r\n

Could hiding the clock be considered a deceptive practice? Laws concerning user interface design are still in their infancy, but there could be a case for deceptive or manipulative tactics if they are proven to significantly harm users or violate their rights.<\/p>\r\n

User Autonomy<\/h2>\r\n

It boils down to the question of autonomy. By withholding basic information like time, the Facebook app seems to strip away a layer of control from the user. Shouldn\u2019t users have the right to access essential information at all times?<\/p>\r\n

What Can Be Done?<\/h2>\r\n


Governments and regulatory bodies could consider rules that mandate the display of essential information like time and battery percentage in all apps.<\/p>\r\n

User Awareness<\/h3>\r\n

Increasing awareness among users about these tactics can pressure companies to change.<\/p>\r\n

Technology Solutions<\/h3>\r\n

App developers could create third-party tools that force the display of the clock and other information.<\/p>\r\n


The simple act of hiding the clock and other basic information in the Facebook tablet app might appear trivial, but it raises important ethical and legal concerns. As we continue to integrate technology into every aspect of our lives, it’s crucial to consider the consequences of such design choices and to hold companies accountable for them.<\/p>\r\n

Related Links(Third party\/no association)<\/h3>\r\n